About Us
“With our strong commitment to producing the highest quality, safest flexible packaging in the most responsible way, Portco Packaging brings you its latest line…EarthGuard™ . This new brand and family of products emanates from our dedication to creating packaging solutions that are not only effective from a barrier and cost perspective, but are also responsible to the health of our environment. After all, what we do now is our legacy. Our children and grandchildren will thank us...and so will a growing number of today’s customers. The EarthGuard line showcases, in a variety of forms, how food packaging can be recyclable, compostable and can contain enough post-consumer product to ensure a demand for recycled plastics and help support a circular economy. Our goal is to always be improving and offering products that allow you, our customer, to meet or exceed your sustainability goals. EarthGuard is our answer.” — Kent Wall, President
Our goal is to provide sustainable packaging solutions that allow your company/brand to pursue attractive, planet-healthy packaging options that satisfy the growing demand from consumers. Image Courtesy: Jeremy Herekes/Unsplash.com